There are no “generations” at the workplace – only people.

A TED talk I watched over lunchtime today inspired me to write this article. In the talk, Leah Georges talks about her take on how generational stereotypes hold us back at work. I’ve embedded the video at the bottom of the page. Assuming a “generational” divide is misleading. When I started my journey in internalContinueContinue reading “There are no “generations” at the workplace – only people.”

Some thoughts on dialogue in the context of leading change in digital transformation

Summary: Dialogue and exchange are very common catch phrases used in today’s world of change and digital transformation. With the raise of social technologies in intra-company communications, dialogue and exchange became key drivers and motivators for introducing and motivating adoption of those new opportunities. Looking back on my years in the field I am frequently askingContinueContinue reading “Some thoughts on dialogue in the context of leading change in digital transformation”