My interview with WYZE on “the state of digitalisation projects” (German/English)

WYZE Projects* recently conducted an interview with me to discuss my personal view on the current state of digitalisation projects. We talked about The reason, why some digitalisation initiatives struggle to keep traction The difference of digitalisation to classic business process initiatives Where to find “digital leadership” within organisations The interview was conducted in German.ContinueContinue reading “My interview with WYZE on “the state of digitalisation projects” (German/English)”

A little bit of #SelfPromotion… The Digital Workplace Gold Dust is available; #digitalworkplace #GoldDust #socbiz #e20 #enterprise20

I’ve been careful with promoting business related stuff on my personal blog. I will make an exception in this case because I have finally succeeded in collecting my past year’s experience in one place: the Digital Workplace Gold Dust. And I am proud of it (*BAM there, I said it) It’s the follow up of Infocentric’s DigitalContinueContinue reading “A little bit of #SelfPromotion… The Digital Workplace Gold Dust is available; #digitalworkplace #GoldDust #socbiz #e20 #enterprise20”

my latest article in LEAD digital 06_2012 on #socialbusiness (German)

In the June issue of the German LEAD digital (published by the Verlag Werben & Verkaufen, a subsidiary of the Sueddeutsche Verlag) you can find an article on the basics of social business.  The essay contains references to my thinking around the change in leadership, work and collaboration culture as well as the challenges forContinueContinue reading “my latest article in LEAD digital 06_2012 on #socialbusiness (German)”

Now online: My contribution to the Microsoft publication “Das Neue Arbeiten” (read & listen in German)

In case you’re interested in my (German) contribution to Microsoft’s publication on “Das Neue Arbeiten” (The New Way of Working). You can download each section (mine is called “Der finnische IT-Dienstleister Tieto ist in vielen Branchen zu Hause”) as an audio version and the entire book in PDF format here. Picture is a screenshot fromContinueContinue reading “Now online: My contribution to the Microsoft publication “Das Neue Arbeiten” (read & listen in German)”

Leadership for a new generation (

As a contributing author I take myself the freedom to advertise the NoFear Community on leadership for a new generation of talent and high performers 🙂 I truly believe (and experience already) that the future generations (Digital Natives, Digital Cowboys or Millenials) expect a new way of being led (rather than managed). It’s definitely worth toContinueContinue reading “Leadership for a new generation (”