Why “agile” doesn’t mean to wittingly cut corners… (Guest article for Simply Communicate, London)

I’ve worked in and for big organisations and I’ve witnessed the attempt to introduce less hierarchical and more “agile” organisations and ways of working. While it had worked in some places and projects, in a lot of instances the approach left me with the impression that the concept of agile (proudly stolen from software development)ContinueContinue reading “Why “agile” doesn’t mean to wittingly cut corners… (Guest article for Simply Communicate, London)”

The Power of Purpose and the Balance of Goal, Value & Leadership

Intro: Two colleagues of mine started working on a model for the “power of purpose”. Purpose is one of the key subjects at the moment when it comes to change, leadership & management. One of the most famous talkers about the power of purpose might be Simon Sinek. You can see his TED Talk here.ContinueContinue reading “The Power of Purpose and the Balance of Goal, Value & Leadership”

Google Web Search is not Enterprise Search…

Summary: If you are in charge of Digital Workplace or intranet projects I bet a lot(!) on the fact that you continuously get the “requirement” to simply launch something like Google. Then the internal search experience will be so much better. This is a short but maybe a helpful one… If it’s getting serious…the big “G”ContinueContinue reading “Google Web Search is not Enterprise Search…”

#enterprise20 = foundation of evolving organizations; breaking with the paradigm of individual #lifelonglearning; #e20 #socialbusiness

Summary: ‘Companies must evolve from being knowledge organizations to developing organizations’ – that’s the quote of an industry representative that tickled my brain while I was moderating a world cafe session last week. I want to go even further: they have to become continuously evolving organizations. ‘Life long learning’ is one of the principles thatContinueContinue reading “#enterprise20 = foundation of evolving organizations; breaking with the paradigm of individual #lifelonglearning; #e20 #socialbusiness”